General Policies

The Bilingual Minds Learning Center Program

Last update: Jan-15-2024. To download the most updated full handbook PDF file, click here.


At Bilingual Minds Learning Center, we believe that learning is an active process best fostered through the natural course of play and relationships. It is through play that various aspects of the child’s development (social, emotional, cognitive, language/literacy, creative and physical) come together. In the course of play, the child organizes experience and gives meaning to his or her world. Play involves opportunities to explore, create, invent, hypothesize, test, and discover. Our challenge is to build upon the child’s innate desire to learn. We provide an environment for growth in which children are encouraged to learn about the world through their senses, feelings, and minds. We are committed to allowing all children to develop their abilities and talents through an inclusive and respectful environment.


Bilingual Minds Learning Center is dedicated to fostering the skills and abilities that will assist children’s lifelong learning process. Our approach to learning is based upon an Emergent Bilingual Curriculum, and brain research, and is inspired by Reggio Emilia’s Philosophy and STEAM education.

At the core of the Emergent Bilingual Curriculum is the recognition that learning emanates from play, imagination, and the interests of the children. Teachers provide authentic, natural, and open-ended materials that support children’s exploration and investigation. 

Children will have the opportunity to develop more than one language and learn concepts using Portuguese and English while inside the preschool. 

Bilingual Minds Learning Center is committed to building a community among children of all abilities and families. We respect and value the similarities and differences in individuals and families. 

Anti-Bias Education & Non-Discrimination

At Bilingual Minds Learning Center, we are committed to an Anti-Bias curriculum plan, which engages children and teachers in an ongoing dialogue.

Through this dialogue, we help develop respect for divergent thinking, varying cultures, lifestyles, human diversity, and universal connections. Anti-Bias Curriculum is designed to engage children in an active process of the exploration of self, others and our relationships to one another. Our emphasis on problem-solving and conflict resolution supports our anti-bias goal, where children come to, listen to, and respect each other’s ideas. As they learn to take each other’s perspectives into account, children truly begin to look outwards from the self and family to form a more global and inclusive worldview.

Bilingual Minds Learning Center does not discriminate on the basis of religion, color, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, national origin, disability, or any other status protected by law. Our program is centered around love, caring, and respect for others, regardless of others’ religion, race, ethnicity, disability, etc.

Staffing and Classroom Composition

Bilingual Minds Learning Center employees are experienced and offer a combination of familiarity with childhood education and excellent family communication skills. Each member of the faculty knows curriculum planning and program development and is well-versed in contemporary approaches to children’s growth and development. In addition, every teacher respects the uniqueness and individuality of each child and takes great joy in helping each child to thrive.

Bilingual Minds Learning Center teachers guide children’s development by means of the environment they create, the information they provide, the questions they ask, the planning they do, and the behavior they model. The faculty uses their skills in planning and curriculum development to provide a framework within which each child can explore and succeed. They also utilize their powers of observation to document children’s success. They team with families to help children see for themselves the possibilities of a creative, inspiring, and caring world.

Child Development & Early Intervention

As professionals in the field, our teachers are trained in child development. Teachers will communicate with families if they feel a child needs additional support beyond the individualized attention they receive at school. We work closely with families to pair them with the appropriate services as needed.


The most important tenet of Bilingual Minds Learning Center is that individuals must be safe with their bodies and their words. This tenet guides the approach to discipline at the Bilingual Minds Learning Center. We use a problem-solving and conflict-resolution approach to discipline children.

Children are gently guided and helped to realize the effects of their actions upon one another so that they learn to make ethical choices by understanding the results of their behavior. They are taught to be respectful of one another and are encouraged to seek out solutions to problems with each other. Our goal is to have each child learn to make ethical and respectful choices.

Bilingual Minds Learning Center does not use corporal punishment of any kind. Nor do we use time-outs. If a child needs to be removed from a situation because they are being harmful to themselves or another child, then the teacher should stay with that child to make sure they understand why they were removed, and ALSO to help them move on to safe and positive play again.

Teachers are trained to use redirection, role modeling, and problem-solving discussions. Children will be gently removed from an area if they are being dangerous with their bodies and cannot stop themselves, but the immediate objective of the teacher is to help the child regain control and move quickly toward problem-solving. Teachers play a neutral mediating role when engaged with children during the process of resolving conflict. Nevertheless, teachers cannot let children endanger themselves or others. All problem-solving must be conducted in a safe and nurturing atmosphere for children to be able to truly engage in the process.

Teachers attempt to prevent as much conflict as possible through foresight, rotation of engaging materials related to children’s interests, and evaluating the arrangement of the classroom. Teachers work on setting clearly defined and consistent expectations with children. Teachers are present to support children as much as possible, but also let them work out problems and conflicts on their own.

Teachers narrate what children’s play looks like and feels like to other students and adults.

At Bilingual Minds, our goal is always to teach kindness over violence. It is true that children may use play to process their thoughts about violence. Our teachers closely monitor, and if necessary, stop any play that involves weapons, pretend killing, hurting, or attacking other children. We aim to support children, especially our older students, in processing the violence they see in media, books, and the world around them through conversation and supervised role-playing.

Physical Play

Physical play is an important piece of a child’s development. It helps them learn gross motor control and explore the limits and boundaries of their bodies. At Bilingual Minds, we allow physical play as long as it is supervised and the children are not in danger of severely injuring themselves. It is our role to stop the play before it becomes violent. Teachers closely observe the games that children play, look to see if children are angry or upset and engage in conversations about consent.

Physical activity opportunities are provided with:

  • Extended outdoor playtime
  • Dance
  • Indoor playtime with balls, tunnels, balancing equipment, and varying equipment according to age group

Hours of Operation

Our program hours range from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

From January to December

Monday through Friday

  • 7:30 am – 8:30 am: Early drop-off
  • 8:30 am – 2:30 pm: Preschool hours
  • 2:30 pm – 6:00 pm: Late pick-up


Routine is very important to children, they thrive in an environment that is predictable and stable. Because of that, we ask for children to arrive and leave the Center at their regularly scheduled time. Young children need the security of knowing they will be picked up at the usual time. Teachers need to be able to set up classrooms in the morning and leave at the end of their day. By arriving a few minutes before pick-up time, families will avoid any late charges or fees. Additionally, it allows families adequate time to collect their child, check, gather their child’s belongings, and check in with teachers as needed.

Holidays and Closings

The Center will be closed on the following days: 

  • New Year’s Day** 
  • Good Friday 
  • Memorial Day 
  • 4th Of July** 
  • Labor Day 
  • Thanksgiving Week (the center will close for a period of 5 consecutive days)
  • Winter Holidays** (the center will close for a period of 5 consecutive days on the week of December 25th)


 ** Holidays that land on Saturday or Sunday will be observed on an alternative day or days during the week before or after the holiday. Anytime the center will be closed a notice will be posted as a reminder.

Security and Contact Information

Your children’s overall security and safety are our top priorities. To maintain a learning environment that is as safe as possible, the entrance doors to all centers are locked, and you have to ask for assistance from someone inside to open the door for you.

Signing In and Signing Out

Families are required by Licensing regulations to bring their child(ren) into the classroom every morning. A complete, legible signature is required at the beginning and the end of each day with the time of arrival and departure. This is crucial since, in case of an emergency, staff will use sign-in sheets to check attendance. Children will be released only to authorized persons whose names are on the Identification and Emergency Information form. A parent may revise these names at any time (all revisions must be made in writing). Only authorized adults listed on the Identification and Emergency Information form, and those who show a valid photo ID if unknown to Center staff, may pick up a child from our Center.

Arriving at School Safely

We require you to always use the parking lot when arriving at and departing from school with your child. Children should always be accompanied by an adult when entering or exiting the building. The entrance doors are for Adult Hands Only! Please do not allow children to open the doors when entering or exiting the building. This policy is in place for the safety of all children in our care.

Departing School Safely

Once you have signed out your child, please do not leave your child unattended in the lobby area. When you open the door, check to ensure that other children do not slip out of the door as you leave.

Texas State Law requires car seats (or boosters) for children less than 8 years of age. Children younger than twelve years of age are required to be in the back seat of the car. We will be unable to release your child to you if we have knowledge that there is no car seat, or if your child is to be seated in the front passenger seat of your vehicle.

Drop off and Pick up Procedures

  • Parents are required to sign the attendance sheet (located in each classroom) upon arrival and departure.
  • Every child must be signed out. 
  • Our responsibility begins when the parent places their child into the care of a staff member and ends when they take him/her from the care of a staff member. 
  • Parents must not allow their child to wander off, be unattended or leave the building ahead of them. 
  • For safety purposes, only those listed on the enrollment forms as the designated person for pick up will be permitted to leave with the child/children. If a circumstance should arise and the child will need to be picked up by someone other than those designated on the approved pickup list, the parent will need to update the list 24 hours in advance. 
  • We will require a Valid ID for the identification of an individual we do not recognize. 
  • Parents will need to inform those they have designated to pick up the child of our policy.


Tuition is due on the first day of each month. 

A late fee of $25 will be imposed if tuition is not received by the 5th of the month. After 30 days, any unpaid fees will accrue interest at 18% per annum plus collection fees. Chronic lateness or lack of payment may result in the termination of your child’s placement in our program.

All fees and tuition payments are non-refundable.


Parents are responsible for completing enrollment forms before care. The Registration Form contains all the general information needed to enroll the child at the center. Some of the information is required by the Texas Department of Human Services, which licenses our facility. All of the information is essential to the well-being and safety of the child. Parents must completely fill in all areas of the form, sign it, and return it to the Center at the time of enrollment. 

Children are enrolled as spaces become available. Priority is given to siblings and full-time students. All enrollment documents, immunization records, statements of health, and tuition payments must be submitted before the first day of care.

Please inform the teacher if your child will be absent due to illness, vacation or any other reason. There is no attendance requirement for enrolled students, but it is helpful for teachers to know when there is a planned absence.

Sibling Discount

If a family has two children enrolled in our program at regular tuition rates, a 5% discount will be applied to the oldest child’s tuition rate. For families with three or more children enrolled in our program at regular tuition rates, a 10% discount will be applied to the oldest child’s tuition rate and a 5% discount will be applied to the middle child’s tuition rate.

Licensing Forms & Confidentiality

Our Center is licensed by the State of Texas. As required by Texas State Law, we maintain a file located on our premises for each child. The information in your child’s file is confidential and only accessed by staff members who are involved in your child’s care. Families may access their child’s file upon request. Upon graduation from Bilingual Minds Learning Center, a child’s file is kept on-site for the minimum amount of time required by licensing regulations.

Each school file contains:

  • Identification and Emergency Information
  • Parent’s Preadmission Health History
  • Child Developmental History
  • Medical Consent / Allergy Alert/ Asthma
  • Physician’s Report and Immunization History Form
  • Family Handbook Receipt

Schedule Changes & Center Closures

To ensure that our children may actively participate in our daily routines, we ask that all drop-offs be completed by 9:30 a.m. each day. If a situation arises or you have a scheduling conflict, you may request a late pick-up or an early morning drop-off. Once you have submitted the request, the office will confirm whether or not we can accommodate it. 

If your child will be absent for any reason, please notify your child’s teacher at your center. Our Center will be open during regular operating hours, Monday through Friday, unless otherwise noted on the school calendar. 

Maintaining reliable schedules is an imperative part of operating a high-quality program. If a family desires to withdraw their child from the Center or request a schedule change, such a request must be made in writing to the Center Director at least 30 days in advance. The director will review all requested schedule changes to ensure that the request is feasible in the classroom. If approved, the new schedule will be reflected for the entire month the change occurs for invoicing purposes. For example, if you request to change your schedule from Core Day to Full-Time for two weeks, you will be invoiced at the Full-Time rate for that entire month. Please note that for withdrawals, families will be invoiced for the 30-day period following the date of notice to the Center Director.

Any family in need of an extra hour on a sporadic basis may continue to submit the extra hours form or email your Center Director at least 24 hours in advance. We also request that you copy your classroom teachers on this email to provide them notice as well.

Weather and Outdoor Play

Outdoor play is an important part of the child’s day and we go outside in all types of weather. Please make sure your child has the appropriate clothes for the season.

We provide sunscreen and insect repellant (Cutter Natural). We recommend that you apply sunscreen to your child in the morning before arrival and we will reapply during the day as needed.

Emergency Procedures

In the event of an emergency we will contact parents/guardians and emergency contacts using the information provided at enrollment. Please be sure to update this information as needed.

We will notify families as soon as possible if the Center is closed in response to severe weather, an emergency situation, or other unforeseen circumstances. Center will contact parents/guardians and emergency contacts using the information provided at enrollment. Please be sure to update this information as needed.

In the case of an emergency during the school day, it is the family’s responsibility to pick up their child upon notification. If you are unable to do so, please contact the Center Director immediately. There is no reduction in tuition due to Center closures.

If the child has an urgent need for immediate transportation to a hospital, the Center will arrange this. 

All caregivers are CPR/First Aid Certified.

Babysitting Policy

While we allow teachers and staff to offer babysitting services to families of the Bilingual Minds Learning Center, we strongly and actively encourage our teachers to maintain a very professional relationship with the parents and families that they serve at all times. Families and teachers who choose to engage in babysitting activities outside of the center hours will be responsible for the arrangements and outcomes of these services. Bilingual Minds Learning Center is not responsible for anything that happens outside our Center.

Family Involvement and Parental Notification

Bilingual Minds Learning Center values the relationship between home, child, and school. We believe that a child’s learning and development are the joint tasks of parents, teachers, and the child. 

Families are more than welcome to contribute their time and energy! We also have an open-door policy to encourage family members to visit the classroom to share their own interests, traditions, and hobbies with the other children.

Our teachers strive to establish communication with families through school events, classroom and school-wide newsletters, and conferences. Please remember to keep classroom conversations brief so as not to distract teachers from their main priority: your children! Teachers and the leadership team are always available by appointment to discuss any of our families’ special issues or concerns.

Ongoing events, documentation of student learning, and the snack menu are posted in each classroom and updated regularly. Families will receive monthly updates from their Center Director.

Notifications will be sent in-person, posted in building and sent via e-mail or WhatsApp. Serious injuries will always be notified by phone call.

Updates to calendar, fees and handbook policies will always be sent in writing. All policies are reviewed annually.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Bilingual Minds teachers will meet with parents twice a year to discuss their child’s development and growth in the classroom. At the Center, our teachers act as partners with you, so please bring observations and/or notes on your child at home, including their accomplishments and challenges. Together, teachers and parents will also talk about what the child has learned and what steps need to be taken to continue to support and nurture the child at Bilingual Minds Learning Center.

Grievance Procedure

Bilingual Minds Learning Center employs an open-door policy for grievances and complaints. Families are encouraged to approach the Center Director with any concerns they may have. All staff members work together to solve grievances and complaints immediately.

Safety and Health

Emergency Routine

Emergency routines are built into our program. We conduct monthly fire drills and active-threat drills. Records of these drills are maintained in the school office. Emergency disaster plans are located inside of each classroom doorway, and a school-wide emergency and disaster plan, as well as emergency phone numbers, are posted in the main entrance front hallway. Our policy is to dial 911 in the event of any extreme emergency.


Incidents at Bilingual Minds Learning Center

Bilingual Minds Learning Center practices active supervision at all times to reduce incidents that can occur in early childhood settings. We can do so due to our smaller staff-to-child ratios. Those ratios ensure that staff members can closely observe the children at all times and support their co-teachers when needed. The Center Director and administration are responsible for additional observations when they walk through classrooms throughout the school day. In the event that a potentially health-related incident occurs, at least one teacher or staff member in each classroom is CPR-certified and knowledgeable of first aid and positive conflict resolution strategies. Each incident is unique, but our protocol is to immediately resolve the situation. Any incident that results in the injury of a child’s body above his/her shoulders requires an immediate phone call to notify parents. We will always notify parents of any injuries that go beyond typical incidents that occur during play, and we may request that you come in to check on your child todetermine if a doctor’s visit is warranted. We want families to greet their children at the end of the day with smiles and hugs, rather than be surprised by any injuries. All incidents and injuries are documented and communicated to families by telephone and, if more serious, also in writing. Parents will need to sign all incident and accident reports to acknowledge this notification. In the case of serious injuries, our staff is instructed first to call 911 and then notify families of the incident.


Illness Policy

Keeping children healthy is our goal at all times. Several illnesses require the exclusion of sick children to ensure the protection of other children and staff. Staff will be alert for symptoms of infections and will notify you if your child must be kept home from school.

Any one of these reasons is sufficient to exclude a child due to illness:

  • The illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in routine activities.
  • The illness requires more care than the teachers are able to provide without compromising the health and safety of the other children.
  • The illness is any of the specifically diagnosed conditions listed below.


Symptoms that require the exclusion of a child:

  • Fevers of 100.1 degrees or higher either with or without behavioral changes or other signs of illness such as sore throat, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, earache, etc.
  • Symptoms and signs of possible severe illness. These may include unusual shaking, tiredness, uncontrolled coughing or wheezing, continuous crying or anger, or difficulty breathing.
  • Diarrhea—runny, watery, or bloody stools
  • Vomiting—more than once in 24 hours
  • Body rash with or without fever
  • Sore throat with fever and/or swollen glands
  • Eye discharge— mucus or pus draining from the eye, or pink eye (lids or cornea).
  • Head lice or nits (eggs)
  • Severe coughing—child red in the face or making a high-pitched whooping sound after coughing, or unable to stop coughing.
  • Yellow skin or eyes


Any contagious disease including Measles, Chicken Pox, Mumps, Roseola, Impetigo, and Strep Throat

  • Child is irritable or continuously crying.


Your child may return to school when he or she is 24 hours free from diarrhea, vomiting, and fever (without the aid of fever-reducing medications or any other medication). In cases of possible contagious infections, children may return to school 24 hours after the first dose of antibiotic or with a physician’s note. The first dose of antibiotics must be administered at home by parents; teachers may not give a first dose of medication due to the risk of an allergic reaction. In cases of lice, you must provide proof of treatment, and your child will be checked when they return to school.



Medicine can be administered to children at school only if:

  • It is a prescription medicine
  • It is in its original bottle and dosage labeled and labeled with the child’s name.
  • You have filled out the required Medication Authorization form along with your full signature for each date that the medicine is administered, along with specific instructions for administration.
  • Short term medications can be brought daily, but must be handed directly to teacher ad not left inside backpacks where they are accessible/reachable by children
  • Long term mediations (inhalers/Epi-pens) will be stored in our medication storage area until they expire. The medication cabinet is accessible to all staff. If an epi-pen is administered, the Center will notify the child’s parents, physician and Child Care Licensing, and Texas Health Department within 10 days


By law, we can administer topical ointments such as Neosporin or antibacterial soap and water, but nothing else.

Diaper ointment requires a completed Topical Ointment form from the parents. In the event of an emergency, doctors will take any life-saving measures as designated by your medical consent form. We freely use band-aids and ice.


Immunization Requirements

Bilingual Minds Learning Center follows the Texas immunization requirements. All children must have up-to-date vaccinations in accordance with their age and law requirements. Per Texas law, we require all children to be immunized in accordance with the immunization schedule. The law no longer allows for Personal Belief Exemption (PBE); the only exemption accepted is a Medical Exemption signed by the child’s physician.

For any information about the immunization requirements, see:

Children 4 years and older must complete a hearing and vision screening and provide a copy of the results by May 1st of each calendar year.

Child Abuse Report

It is mandatory for all staff to report any suspected child abuse. If a staff person suspects that a child has been abused in or out of the center, they are required by law to report this to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) and also to Child Care Regulation.

Texas law requires caregivers to report suspected child abuse or neglect to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services or law enforcement. Confidential reports can be made by calling 1-800-252-5400. Failure to report suspected abuse or neglect is a crime. Employers are prohibited from retaliating against caregivers who make reports in good faith.

Gang free zone

Our Center is a gang-free zone extending 1000ft in all directions.

Expectations of Conduct

We believe that to maintain a high-quality program, it is imperative that all parties treat each other with dignity and respect. We expect all parents to conduct themselves in a calm and respectful manner. Threatening or other unlawful conduct toward any employee, child, or other family in our program will not be tolerated and will subject the family to immediate removal from our program.


If the teaching staff deems it necessary, they will initiate a conference process with the parents/guardians to communicate, discuss, and develop a plan to address any discipline concerns. This includes but is not limited to, parent/teacher conferences, assessing school curriculum and environment concerning the child, and bringing in outside resources and/or making referrals.

Grounds for Dismissal

Bilingual Minds Learning Center retains the right to terminate enrollment in the event of non-compliance with school policies, rules, and regulations.

Repeated infractions of school policies and rules will result in your child being removed from the program. Each child is accepted into the program at the discretion of the Center Director and teaching staff. If the Director feels that the school cannot meet the needs of the child or the child’s family, the child’s enrollment will be terminated.


Parents/guardians are responsible for arranging appropriate transportation to and from the children’s center for their child(ren). No transportation is provided. Our teachers, employees, and staff are never able to transport children/parents in their personal cars.

Field Trips

At this time our Center won’t have field trips.

The Beginning of the Year

At the beginning of the children’s year with us, we take special time to help transition our new children and families. Families are encouraged to stay as long as necessary for the first week of school for your child to feel comfortable with your leaving. In this way, your child comes to see our Center as a warm and safe place where families are actively involved. Establishing a consistent parting routine early on will help the child greatly; teachers can help with this. All forms must be complete and on file in our office before any child may be left in our care without the parent or guardian present.

Personal Belongings

Directly inside or outside your child’s classroom we offer hooks for you to store your child’s bag with required spare clothing, coats or sweaters, comfort items, and lunches.


We ask you to furnish spare clothing appropriate for the season for your child. It is a family responsibility to keep clothing updated on a regular basis. Be sure to provide at least one complete set of clothing, including underwear, socks, and shoes. Remember that the seasons change and your child grows considerably throughout the school year, so check the clothes often in order to keep them updated. Please place your child’s name on each and every item to minimize mix-ups and lost items. Because learning involves freely exploring materials, your child may sometimes get messy. Please send your child in clothes which can get paint stained.

Lunches and Snacks

At Bilingual Minds, we understand that opinions about what is an appropriate diet for children vary from family to family. We also understand that food choice is an area where individual families and children may have strong preferences based on health concerns, special needs, eating habits, culture and customs, and allergies. Our Center is a nut-free environment and we communicate with parents regarding their individual child’s food allergies so that we can fully prevent contact with food that a child may be allergic to.

We are committed to an inclusive and accepting attitude regarding each family’s approach to food and to implementing a policy regarding the food consumed that promotes good eating habits and a healthy attitude toward food among the children.

Our Center strives to provide nutritious and healthy snacks. The center purchases and provides morning and afternoon snacks each day, prepared on-site. Our snack menu includes fruits, vegetables, cheese, bread, nut-free butter and crackers.

Lunches are provided for each child by their families and packed in a lunchbox that is stored in the classroom. Lunches are eaten cold, unless you send an item in a thermos or insulated container, as we do not have facilities to heat each child’s food items. Sharing of food items in each child’s lunch box is not allowed. We strongly encourage parents to pack a healthy, nutritious lunch. We strongly discourage candy, cookies, potato chips, excess sweets, and sugary drinks in lunches.

Food Allergies

It is the responsibility of each family to inform the school of any allergies his/her child may have. Such foods will be eliminated from the snack menu for that child in the applicable classroom. Additionally, other parents in the classroom will be informed of any food allergies so that they can plan contributions to snacks accordingly and, in cases of severe sensitivities, avoid bringing a problem food into the classroom environment. Bilingual Mind is NUT FREE. Families who have a child with an allergy requiring an EpiPen must provide an EpiPen and the required Allergy Form in the child’s classroom.

Celebration and Birthdays

Our families celebrate a diverse set of traditions and holidays and it is important to acknowledge them all. We invite families to participate in celebrations and to help with authenticity.

Not only do children and families enjoy sharing their own traditions, but they often help build community within the classroom and help children bridge the gap between home and school. Our current birthday celebrations include special activities with the child in the classrooms – families are encouraged to participate!


We understand that naps are highly individual and nap needs vary from child to child. If your child naps, we ask that you communicate all naptime routines to your child’s teacher to ensure that your child has a peaceful nap period. We will work with you and your child within our general policy to fine-tune a nap schedule that works for your family.

Parents will provide a sleeping mat for their children according to the materials list. Families may provide their child with a blanket and comfort items. We ask families to ensure such items are taken home to be laundered weekly. Children who do not nap are asked to take a rest time on their mat for approximately 20-30 minutes with a teacher available to them. After that period, children will be engaged in quiet table activities.

Exiting Family Policy

Bilingual Minds is committed to providing the best care, education, and developmental support for all children enrolled in our Center. Given the well-established evidence on the benefits for young children who attend a high-quality early education program, we will take all reasonable steps to provide an enrolled child with the benefits of continued enrollment in our program.

In the event that an enrolled child (or his/her family) experiences difficulties causing disruption or other issues at Bilingual Minds Learning Center – or if it otherwise appears that the program or center is not well-suited for the child or family – the child’s teachers will first bring the issue to the attention of the Center Director. After gathering all pertinent information, the Center Director will meet with the family to collaborate and implement an action plan that addresses the issue, provides a timeline to review and evaluate the status, and sets forth a final deadline to resolve the issue.

If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved by the foregoing, then the Center Director will intervene in the situation, including by discussing the issue with the family to encourage an amicable resolution or dismissing the family from our program as appropriate on a case-by-case basis.

This policy does not alter Bilingual MInd’s ability to discharge a family from its program based on failure to timely pay tuition.


As a Licensed Child Care Center we maintain compliance with all of the Minimum Standards from the State of Texas. Following these standards keeps children safe. The results of our most recent inspections and our licensing information are posted in our entryway. Families are encouraged to view them and become familiar with the TX Health and Human Services website to view the inspection history for us and all future care providers. Copies of inspection results are available by calling (512) 369-7000 or visiting:

In Closing

We hope that the information provided in our handbook is helpful. Thank you for reading and adopting the policies outlined here. We look forward to creating a warm relationship with you to make this school a safe, learning-rich, and enjoyable environment for your child. We always welcome your suggestions, comments, and support. Bilingual Minds reserves the right to modify any of the conditions of this agreement upon 30 days written notice to the families. We ask that families carefully follow policies and procedures. 

Failure to comply with policies may affect your child’s placement in the program.

Last update: Jan-15-2024. To download the most updated full handbook PDF file, click here.

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